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The Team

Murray & Sharon Cole
Managing Director and owner, Murray Cole – is responsible for Greenfingers day to day operation.
Murray has gardening in his blood and has over 25 years experience in the business. He creates the specialist mixes for Greenfingers’ commercial clients, using the scientific skills of a range of experts when required.

Director and owner Sharon Cole  works in the office. Sharon grew up with Greenfingers and was the first person to operate the original bark mill; an old rotary screen that her father bought. She drives any of the machines when required, having learnt how to handle most while still a student.

The rest of the team

The rest of the team at Greenfingers manage daily chores on a rotational basis, so that all of the staff are multi-skilled and can help with any number of tasks and inquiries.

The team looks after the bulk loading, managing the workshop, production and customer service, deliveries, bagging product, mixing different blends, and other various tasks to ensure that your dealings with any of the Greenfingers team will be a rewarding and satisfying experience.